Why you really need to experience Inside by Playdead - A Retrospective Review
Updated: Dec 3, 2019
Inside is one of those very few games that is sheer perfection.
Before we start, this is a game by the same developers as Limbo, so if you enjoyed that, just skip all of this and go buy it, it's more than just Limbo 2.0
Inside is a beautiful and macabre atmospheric adventure that takes place in disturbing and haunting reality that commands your attention to draw you in and keeps you enthralled from start to finish.
First off let's discuss what Inside doesn't do particularly well, because it's a very short list. Namely, the menu.
There's no audio options for example, no surround sound settings to mess with, no button mapping options, even though it's only 2 buttons, some people would like the ability to play one handed for example, it's a very primitive menu. Which to be fair isn't exactly a major issue by itself as it doesn't affect the actual 'game' itself, so it's generally a non issue for most.
Another aspect of the simplified menu system is the lack of progress tracking regarding the games collectibles. It can be irritating to some that they cannot easily follow their progress or find out which collectibles they have collected already, but again I can see why the artist chose not to include one as they want to keep that sense of mystery and the unknown which the games portrays incredibly well. They did however include an in game progress tracker when you come across the last collectible, keeping in tune with their philosophy of mystery and the unknown. So again, a non issue for most.
But the most unforgiving part is the load menu, while very functional (and not really an issue on a first time play through), it's incredibly easy to receive massive spoilers just by navigating the load menu. Be very cautious when showcasing the game to new players, each checkpoint you can load from is filled with a massive screenshot of what's happening in the scene. which when loaded, seamlessly transitions into the game. It really is a thing of beauty and finesse. However as pointed out, this can lead to massive spoilers, so be mindful when showcasing to others. Maybe tell your peers to avert their eyes when loading, and maybe even mute the tv, unless you take certain precautions to avoid this, like whenever you finish a session, it might be an idea to load up the first checkpoint or something. This is where I think Playdead should have taken the time to find some sort of middle ground solution to this spoiler ridden problem.
So yeah, the menus need a minor tweak. Big whoop hey!
Now that all the negative stuff is out of the way, let's get into the magic of what this little gem has to offer us.
So as mentioned, Inside is pretty much perfection delivered in a few gigabytes! It's a masterpiece in every way. The devil is in the details so to bury down deeper, lets categorise things a little.
Where to begin! This game is a piece of fine art, like a masterpiece level of fine art. That is no understatement. One aspect of video games which always impresses me is lighting, it's how we navigate the real world so when games don't get lighting right, it stands out. You will find when playing Inside that the world fits. It feels right. The lighting is sublime, from the dynamic shadows, to the dust particles, from the piercing light through the ripples on the water's surface to the quaintly lit macabre pathways, the way the light blooms through fog and dust and water. It's all very, very exquisite and a privilege to behold.
Then there's the physics and the overall attention to detail, it's a thing of beauty. For example early on in the game you can walk through a gap in a gate, no fuss, but nicely animated, or you can jump over it, causing the gate swing open from under your feet falling flat on your face. There are puzzles which play into the physics but my lips are sealed, it's best experienced yourself.
These little details what sets it apart from most games. The developers really took the time to craft something magical in all aspects of the game. From the way the ropes and chains swing with a real physicality to them, the way the leaves kick up with every step you take, the splashes of water with every squelching footstep, the weight and feel of the objects in the world and the way they react to other objects and interactions, like the way a telephone bounces off a movable table, or how wood snaps or poultry flies, it all feels very grounded and really adds a sense of reality to this estranged world they have lovingly crafted. It really does feel right.
Then there's the audio. It's impossible to even begin to portray the quality audio treats that Inside offers. Don't expect a catchy soundtrack or anything particularly memorable, but do expect to be thoroughly engrossed in the world. The sound of every footstep rustling through the forest floor, of every splash, knock, ding, scrape, slide, all perfectly created to sell the vision.
The silence is one of the most powerful tools utilized in Inside. Just because you are playing a game, doesn't mean you need to have a typical soundtrack, the beauty is in silence and Inside does this perfectly. The gentle hum of a machinery in the distance, the sound of tyres encroaching on your location, the pitter patter of rain, the feeling of uncertainty from the booming low notes of unknown origins, the sound of your feet on soggy mud, hard concrete, cold steel, wooden planks, the sound of a distant marching menace, the painful groans of creatures untold.
The master stroke of the use of audio in all the right places and its execution is yet another layer of the cake that adds to it's perfected recipe.
There's not much to say here as it's very simplistic due to only using just two buttons. However, that's not what we're discussing here. Whilst simplistic mechanically, what does stand out is the refreshing puzzle design and how the game's world enables innovative use of the ability to turn simple mechanics into memorable moments. I've said too much because it's in these moments where the magic happens.
One thing to take away is that it just works. If you ever fail, it's more than likely you and not the game at fault. There are one or two puzzles which aren't the clearest and might stump some people, but I personally think the challenge isn't exactly immersion breaking, it actually helps makes the world more believable because not everything in life is easy, and in the world of Inside, this is doubly true, take nothing for granted. Seriously.
So here we are, the cream of the crop, the thing that ties this all together.
This is going to be so difficult to put across without spoiling anything, and I've done so well to come this far. Oh well, here we go...
Oh man I can't, I just can't. This is such a rollercoaster of an experience you really need to ride it yourself. But lets try to give you at least a little something to work with.
The game has some of the most unique visuals you'll find in a game. It has such a great diversity of moments that will surprise you every step of the way. You'll go walking through the woods, through an creepy farm, through an sunken industrial office, through the streets, rooftops, scientific facilities, mines, etc. So many beautiful vistas, all of which are filled with a dark atmosphere and macabre vibe that give the player a constant feeling of unease. There are moments of tension that are so visceral that you will feel like you're actually in real danger. Simply put, you can cut the atmosphere with a knife, it's really beautiful.
Closing Thoughts
The game is impeccable, you would be hard pressed to find any graphical distortions, or glitches, or audio issues. I have tried incredibly hard not to spoil anything about the game, as it is something you really need to experience first hand, but all I can say is that if you are a fan of the puzzle platformer, you will walk away with a feeling of awe and a hungering for more. The perfect recipe.
I hope you enjoy your journey and I look forward to hearing your thoughts in the comments below after you've completed it. (Avoid the comments section if you are worried about spoilers)
See you soon, time for this hot potato to get baked!
Spuddacus x
Buy Inside Here:
Xbox: https://amzn.to/2DkmaXT
PlayStation: https://amzn.to/2XSWfA3